Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Son Still Shines...

I woke up this morning far before the sun rose. I was at Panera enjoying my morning coffee around the time it would have shone, had the clouds not been in the way. As I sat there diverting my attention back and forth between the Word and the sky, I came to the dramatic conclusion that the sun had not been dimmed by those clouds, the clouds just stood between my eyes and its brightness. Even on days when the clouds are white, puffy, and looking like rabbits and other cute things as they pass, they still shield the earth from the light and heat of that fiery star.

It's a pretty easy thing to figure out really. It's also the reason I tend to walk behind girls that I'm with, because if I walk in front of them, no one knows they're even there! I totally eclipse them, as the clouds eclipse the sun today. I'm getting off my train of thought...

...So I'm preparing a sermon for the Northern Indiana Fellowship of Christian Athletes banquet next week. FCA's theme this year has been "...For the Glory." So, as I'm studying on God's glory and looking at the clouds, I get this awesome picture of what happens in our lives. You see, when we do things in life, we can do them one of two ways. We can do them with ourselves in mind, glorifying no one else, or we can do them "for the glory" of the One who made us, and no one else.

When we do things in our own name, they may be nice and appreciated, but they remain nothing but clouds. They may be beautiful clouds, floating peacefully to be appreciated by all that see them, but as said before, they block the sun. And our actions, though maybe nice and appreciated, not only glorify ourselves, but they prevent the world from seeing the glory of God in that scenario.

You know, a world without the sun would be cold and dark. There would be no vegetation and therefore, no wildlife. It is nearly impossible to fathom such a place. Yet, so often do we allow the world to attempt to shield itself from the true Light; the Light that burns brighter and hotter than any star placed in the sky.

I'm legitimately burdened by the fact that our nature has taken so much glory to itself that we are not reflecting any of it to the only One who deserves it. But does feeling burdened get anything done? Mmmm....not so much. So here's the thing, I'm setting out to clear the sky, and the movement starts with me. From now on, I want my life to be a magnifying glass, showing the intensity of the Glory of God with every step. I know I'll mess it up. I know I'll soak it in sometimes. But you better believe I'll wake up in the morning looking for rays in the sky because despite the weather and this "lake effect" stuff that goes on in my life, I know that the Son Still Shines behind it all.




Blogger Gabrielle said...

I am convicted. God thoughts, B, good God thoughts. God's been teaching me this week about cleaning off the mirror of my life to purify my reflection of Him.
Keep it up.

7:44 AM  
Blogger alicia said...

I am cracking up over here at the last paragraph. In bold and italics!!! Hilarious!

The blog was great. I love it and can't wait to hear the message. I know it will be awesome!

8:21 AM  

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