Thursday, December 14, 2006


Does anyone else ever sit and think about what it means to be created in God's image? I don't know, maybe I'm messed up, but I think about it a lot. I know that one day I'll meet my Creator face-to-face, but I'd like to have a sense of how I'm like Him, even right now. Over the course of time, I've come up with some things that I think God must have had in mind, creating us in His image, and I'd like to share them now.

To look at the world that the Lord fashioned in just six days and not recognize that He was one creative dude would be foolish. We're talking about the God who not only made you and I as individuals, but made giraffes and zebras. I'm betting he still chuckles about that from time to time. The important thing is that creativity has been placed in us, too, as we were made in His image. Though our creative capacities differ from person to person, they are always there in some way.

I've met a few people in my short time here on earth that may not have much of what I now speak, but it's there, and it's from God so it needs to be recognized. No other being on earth other than mankind has the ability to think and logically derive conclusions in such a fashion as we do. How awesome is that?! Now, I understand that some people are less in tune to logic than others....ladies, for example (I'm just kidding! Breathe deep)....our ability to think and act on that thinking glorifies God because it's a capacity He gave us and no one else.

I feel that the quality that God most instilled in mankind alone was the freedom of choice. You see, all other beings in creation have no choice but to glorify God. The stars in the nighttime sky have no choice but to shine brightly, and in so doing glorify God. A tree, placed in good soil and watered properly, has no choice but to grow and bear fruit, and in so doing it glorifies God. Even animals lack the ability to choose right and wrong. They simply act on their animal instincts and by doing so, they glorify God!

Mankind is a different case, however. We have the logical ability to see right and wrong and to distinguish them, but the freedom to choose which we want to pursue, and far too often we pursue what is wrong, and what is sinful. You see, this freedom of choice, though it makes us more in God's image, is what we used to separate ourselves from the Father to begin with. It is precisely how we fall short of the glory of God, by choice.

But there is good news, my friends. We are given a second chance...a second choice. Through Jesus Christ, God has bridged the gap we chose to put between us and Him and now we are confronted again. I have chosen to walk that bridge, putting my selfish desires behind me and only the cross ahead of me. I am not bound by the pressures of this world, from peers, from loved ones, from outsiders' opinions. I am not even bound by my freedom of choice, for though it bound me once and separated me from my Father, it has also broken the chains I have wrapped myself up in since the day I was born.

Free to choose freedom!



Blogger Unknown said...

Bobby or Huggy Bear as my wife calls ya! Great post today on Freedom. I think we as men especially forget that the one true Freedom we can receive is through Christ. We (men) to often think we are free because we have made our own freedom...we too often forget that Christ went to the cross for yours, mine and all our FREEDOMS. Christ is FREEDOM. 2nd Cor. 3:17 says, The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is...THERE IS FREEDOM!
Keep up the great work of spreading Jesus' message of true FREEDOM.

Daryl...aka BIG D

6:42 AM  
Blogger alicia said...

Reminds me of a certain someones theme and song used on a certain someones weekend!!

7:58 AM  

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