Thursday, February 01, 2007

And on the 7th day

One lesson that I'm constantly refusing to learn is one of needing rest. My body can handle most any kind of pressure, and I like to test my limits on a regular basis. Even now, when I'm not hitting walls on a regular basis, I find myself pushing my limits at work to the point where I am burning the candle at both ends.

Satan creeps into my life much more regularly at times when I do not give myself ample time for rest. I find myself doubting who I am and what I'm doing. I feel a disconnect between people I work with and for. In general, I am not overly pleasant to be around. The truth is, the lesson of rest is one of the biggest lessons I'll ever have to learn, personally.

Yesterday was not a good day for me, and I had a feeling I was in dire need of some rest. Well, I got that rest last night, and today, I realize that most of what I was feeling yesterday was something fabricated inside my own tired mind.

So I speak to myself when I say, "Get thee behind me, Satan." For at times like that, I am my own worst enemy.

Peace, Love, and Rest,



Blogger Gabrielle said...

Good advice! Learn that lesson now, before seminary- cause it is a struggle to remember to rest when you have eight more books to read before the weeks end.
Oh hey, how was the student weekend?

1:38 PM  

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