Thursday, February 08, 2007

Come and See...Go and Tell

I was just down in Indy speaking at a bunch of FCA events and I was able to spend a lot of time with my friend Brad Long, who is also the Central Indiana Director of FCA. In one of our biggest conversations, we talked about the difference between "Come, See ministry" and "Go, Tell ministry."

Conversations with Brad are always fun because we are both incredibly passionate and excitable guys...and we got HYPE on this one:

The most evangelical churches in the world are stressing seeker services. I'm not saying anything bad about these churches, simply because they're doing more than most every other church, but who does a seeker service appeal to? Seekers. The truth is, there's another large component to our world's population who isn't seeking, and we need to get out there IN ADDITION TO, not INSTEAD OF these seekers.

Brad's passion was so amazing, that he got me pumped up to come back to work and work on this Go, Tell thing. Going out into the lives of others, where it's a little less comfy for me, and spreading the News. I don't know. Maybe I'll be terrible at it, but another thing I learned this week is no matter how bad we do at things, God is still God, and we can never underestimate what He'll do with a willing instrument.

Gotta run,



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