Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Revolutionary Crossroads

The past few weeks have been a spiritual boxing match going on in my mind. In one of the later rounds, the men of the Grace Church pastoral staff traveled nearly five hours on Monday morning to Cedarville University in Ohio for a conference on "Building a Life of Integrity: Evangelism for a New Day." Earlier in the bout however, God was doing some heavy reconstruction work in my heart and mind, preparing me for such an explosive conference experience.

A few weeks ago, I felt a bit disconnected from God. I felt my prayers were hollow, I felt my messages were dry, and I felt my walk was slowing to a halt (which we all knows means I was sliding backwards). After several failed attempts at figuring out the situation myself, I went to where I should have gone far sooner. I turned to God and flat out asked him, "What in the world is going on?!" His answer made me regret asking the question as he simply pointed behind me, into my past.

In the past month since asking God this question, I have been peppered with the subject of why I felt distant from the Lord. Check this out:
1) The day after the question, a man I very much admire spoke at the halftime of our Men's Basketball League night on the precise subject that I was struggling with.
2) The next four podcasts that downloaded themselves onto my iTunes were step-by-step sermons on the exact area in which I felt lost.
3) Two weeks ago, and two weeks after the question a young man approached me with advice about a way to help him with a similar problem. And finally,
4) My pastor felt called to spend not just one, but two full Sundays discussing the subject.
Alright God, I catch the drift! Haha.

So late last week I addressed the subject head on. I spoke with a man I very much admire and asked for his help as a mentor. I also spoke with a colleague whom I equally admire and asked for his help as an accountability partner and prayer warrior. Other than the moment when I knew that my soul would live eternally, I have never felt such freedom!!! And this freedom was such a feeling that God wanted me to have entering this conference.

So there we are; 5 men, 1 van, and a whole bunch of stories. I love my job and the people I work with, but it was simply amazing to spend that kind of quality time with each other. We sat there talking, encouraging, confessing...the list goes on! I knew that God was working in that van and preparing us for two days of renovation, rejuvenation, and revolution!

I have a feeling that I'll be speaking about this conference for a few more entries, but I want to share with you a thought that came to me while John Avant was speaking about Revival, such as the Fulton St. Revival in 1857 NYC. He made a few comments and it made me realize that now in 2007, we are at a Revolutionary Crossroads. This means one thing...we have a choice to make. You see, revival is out there waiting for us to come to it. As much as we talk about it though, I don't feel like we really want it. We're really comfy with our lives and don't feel up for much sin confession/admission.

Well here's the crossroad, because if we want it, and I mean truly want it, we can start a revival bigger than anything the world has every seen. Tens of millions of people could truly meet Christ for the first time! We are so close and we don't even realize it. But we're close to the other end of the spectrum, too. We are raising up a generation of apathetic people, and if we don't change and put a charge into this apathy, we will end up just like Europe, where the churches of the Great Awakening are now shops for pornography and other worldly goods, and Christianity is simply a religion of the past. I am not willing to stand aside and see this happen here. I will stand and I will speak and more importantly, I will pray for revival.

Please God, work in your wondrous ways

Friday, February 16, 2007

Bobby Morton, Version 2007

Ahhh, the monkey has been removed...

You may remember my post from earlier this week, where that "sneaky dude" crept up on me in a situation that I later wrote about. Well, though I didn't write about it, that dude came up once again during the course of this week. After that, it was right time for me to do some serious damage control. As I looked at it, I saw two charred bridges, a confused teen, and some terrible flashbacks to a person I never wanted to be again...Yikes!

All this being said, I have found the one difference between the person I long to run away from and the person I am today. That's right. Yesterday was confrontation day. Well, I shouldn't say that confrontation day makes the difference, but the type of confrontation surely does. You see, Bobby Morton version 2002 would confront everyone involved, but would rehash the entire situation and basically beat anyone else into an apologetic submission. I was quick witted and cut-throat with my words, and if I had one inch, I'd make sure everyone saw I was right. Nope, not this time!!! Here's where I'm different than that jerk, haha.

I pulled a friend of mine (one of the charred bridges) aside and went back to our disagreement. I apologized first and foremost but asked if I could have the opportunity to better word what I was trying to say. With that opportunity, we were able to see how close we originally were to total agreement, and after a few more minutes of clarifying and apologizing for little stuff, the bridge had been restored. But this friend was the least of my worries from earlier in the week.

Later, my other "bridge" came in, and on Monday, I would have been okay leaving this one burnt. Yesterday was a different story, friends. When we stepped aside, I hadn't even finished my apology when he came at me with his own. We spent 10 minutes growing through our disagreement and we both felt we had huge supporters at the end of the conversation. It was truly amazing.

Look, I know I haven't "arrived." I know I have a long way to go, but sometimes I get discouraged. I look at my life and for some reason, I doubt that I'm making the strides I'm supposed to be making. This week I found one amazing truth. That truth is that there is no need for doubt when you offer your life to Christ. Sure I handled things differently than I should have, but I'm still a different man than I was five years ago.

And five years from now, I'll say the same thing about me now.

Straining everyday,

Bobby Morton, version 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Big Meeting Tomorrow

I am sitting down for lunch tomorrow with Mike Lightfoot, head basketball coach for the Bethel College basketball team. I met Mike through his oldest son, Robbie, and I would consider him amongst my best elder friends. He's been there for me through a lot of situations and decisions, and he's counseled me as well as anyone, turning me in the Right direction time and time again.

Well, tomorrow we're not having a personal meeting. We're meeting to discuss a potential chaplain program for some of the Bethel College athletic teams. I am very excited about the prospect of setting up such a program, even though I see several things slowing it down. I know that Bethel students have three chapel services a week, and they're always in some kind of bible-based cirriculum. I know that a sport- or team-specific chapel might seem too redundant, but I hope to show how important I see it to be.

I'm not nervous going into my meeting tomorrow. I don't really have anything to lose. But I am quite excited about the possible outcome of this meeting. I'm excited to see another step in the journey of this friendship, and I'm excited to pick Mike's brain for some future use on my behalf.

I love what I do. I get paid to sit and think up ideas, then put them into action. Most of my ideas have to do with teenagers I see every week, but who says I can't try and put this one into action anyway?

Thinking with a Kingdom agenda,


Monday, February 12, 2007

Sneaky Dude

Yesterday was a wonderful day. As I sit and look back on all the things that happened in the 24-hour period that was yesterday, I'm floored with how awesome God is. God allowed Kyle and I to run a new Sunday School setup, put on a first time youth/parent luncheon, AND start a new style of Youth Group last night. I can't believe that all that happened in one day!

But that's not all that happened in that day. You see, last night I had a run-in with my former self, a guy I never wanted to see again. And in all honesty, it shook me up bad. You know, I'm a guy who's pretty quick witted, and while that alone isn't bad, when you add that to how quick I was with my words, it gets to be a little intense. I used to get into verbal arguments just to show how quickly I could win.

After a few incidents and a big come to Jesus with how this attitude was being perceived by even my closest of friends, I realized that I was in dire need of some attitude adjustments. Through Christ, those adjustments were made, and I'm a different person today than I was then. But last night, through a vast disagreement, that man snuck up behind me and almost came out again.

I thought I'd conquered him. I thought I was done. Though I was in check, it was a painful reminder that I need to keep taking steps up the down escalator in life, or else I'll end up right where I started.



Thursday, February 08, 2007

Come and See...Go and Tell

I was just down in Indy speaking at a bunch of FCA events and I was able to spend a lot of time with my friend Brad Long, who is also the Central Indiana Director of FCA. In one of our biggest conversations, we talked about the difference between "Come, See ministry" and "Go, Tell ministry."

Conversations with Brad are always fun because we are both incredibly passionate and excitable guys...and we got HYPE on this one:

The most evangelical churches in the world are stressing seeker services. I'm not saying anything bad about these churches, simply because they're doing more than most every other church, but who does a seeker service appeal to? Seekers. The truth is, there's another large component to our world's population who isn't seeking, and we need to get out there IN ADDITION TO, not INSTEAD OF these seekers.

Brad's passion was so amazing, that he got me pumped up to come back to work and work on this Go, Tell thing. Going out into the lives of others, where it's a little less comfy for me, and spreading the News. I don't know. Maybe I'll be terrible at it, but another thing I learned this week is no matter how bad we do at things, God is still God, and we can never underestimate what He'll do with a willing instrument.

Gotta run,


Thursday, February 01, 2007

And on the 7th day

One lesson that I'm constantly refusing to learn is one of needing rest. My body can handle most any kind of pressure, and I like to test my limits on a regular basis. Even now, when I'm not hitting walls on a regular basis, I find myself pushing my limits at work to the point where I am burning the candle at both ends.

Satan creeps into my life much more regularly at times when I do not give myself ample time for rest. I find myself doubting who I am and what I'm doing. I feel a disconnect between people I work with and for. In general, I am not overly pleasant to be around. The truth is, the lesson of rest is one of the biggest lessons I'll ever have to learn, personally.

Yesterday was not a good day for me, and I had a feeling I was in dire need of some rest. Well, I got that rest last night, and today, I realize that most of what I was feeling yesterday was something fabricated inside my own tired mind.

So I speak to myself when I say, "Get thee behind me, Satan." For at times like that, I am my own worst enemy.

Peace, Love, and Rest,
